209 Open Skiff sailors (and more to come) have registered and are ready for their next great sailing adventure – the Open Skiff World Championships taking place in Calasetta, Italy.
The large entry is dominated by the Open Skiff powerhouse – Italy, who have registered a record 122 competitors to the event. Make no mistake however the hosts will be challenged during the week of racing starting 12th and finishing on the 18th of July as the best of the best are coming to Sardinia for the titles.
The 209 sailors will come from far and wide with 12 countries from Asia, North America, Oceania and Europe represented at the event.
The dominant division will be the U17 with 145 young competitors in that age division. The U13 represented by 64. Talking about statistics, it is the boys, who will dominate in number with 159 of them registered so far, compared to 50 girls.
Although the early-bird registration is over there is still time to register, if you have not done that yet. Just head over to the event website for more – https://worlds2020.openskiff.org
We are certain that Calasetta will make you fall in love, it will be a wonderful place to compete in the regattas of the world championship and will offer companions, friends and relatives who accompany the athletes the opportunity of an unforgettable holiday.